Raspberry ketone

Saturday 15 September 2012


Raspberry Ketone 500mg
with African Manggo
RM 160.00 Sebotol\60capsule\sebulan
Harga Promosi bulan September
Sebotol RM160.00
2 Botol RM310.00
3 Botol RM450.00

Produk Terhangat di US tapi baru di pasaran Malaysia

Gagal menurunkan berat badan dengan berkesan?
Telah belanjakan banyak wang ringgit untuk menguruskan badan?
Sudah mencuba banyak produk tetapi masih gagal dan kecewa?
Raspberry ketone adalah produk yang tidak akan mengecewakan anda
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Waktu Urusan: Isnin - Jumaat, 10:00am - 5:00pm

Harga sebotol: RM160.00 Bayaran Pos percuma di SM

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  • Clinically proven weight loss supplement
  • Contains superior mixture of antioxidants and super fruits to help boost weight loss results.
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Lose up to 5 lbs weekly
  • Melt away stubborn fat especially from your hips, thighsbelly, or love handles
  • The only pure Raspberry Ketone based weight loss supplement currently to help you lose weight naturally and effective.
  • No negative side effects
  • Support your immune system
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Boost metabolism
  • Raise your energy levels
  • Total body detox


Kebaikan Acai Berry

1. Acai boleh membantu kualtiti tidur dengan lebih baik
2. Acai dapat tingkatkan tahap tenaga anda
3. Acai berry dapat mengurangi kolesterol
4. Acai boleh membantu anda menurunkan berat badan
5. Acai berry dapat membantu mengurang stress anda
6. Acai Dapat Meningkatkan Kesihatan Seksual Anda
7. Acai Boleh Melegakan Haid Bulanan Wanita
8. Acai Dapat Membantu melawan Kerdut dimuka
9. Acai Berry melambatkan dan mengurangkan nafsu dan rasa lapar
10. Acai Dapat Bantuan Warna Kulit anda
11. Acai Boleh Melewatkan Ketuaan
12. Acai Dapat Melindungi Saluran Darah
13. Acai Dapat Meningkatkan Daya Tahan dari Penyakit
14. Acai Bolehkah Meningkatkan Tahap Lipid dan Glukosa
15. Acai Boleh Mengdetoksifikasi Dan Mencuci Tubuh Kita
16. Acai Mampu Membantuan Masalah Ulser
17. Acai Bolehkah Melawan BPH (pembesaran prostat)
18. Acai Bolehkah Mencegah Beberapa Penyebab Dari Penyakit Jantung
19. Sterols Dari acai Dapat Membantu Menurunkan Tekanan Darah anda
20. Acai Dapat Membantu melegakan simptom Asma
21. Acai Mamput Membantu Menghilangkan Rasa Sakit Arthritis
22. Acai Dapat Membantu Mencegah Kerosakan Free-Radical
23. Acai Bolehkah Meningkatkan Fungsi Sel-sel ‘Immune’ (kekebalan)
24. Acai BolehBerindak sebagai Anti-mutagenik
25. Acai Dapat Meningkatkan Penghadaman
26. Acai Dapat Memberikan anda Mental yang lebih Jelas

Bagaimana Raspberry Ketone membantu menurunkan berat badan

Raspberry Ketone menurunkan berat badan dengan berpusat kepada peningkatan Hormon Adiponectin dan Norepineprine dengan mengaktifkan penguraian lemak dalam badan.

1. Meningkatkan keupayaan badan memecah dan mengurai pembakaran lemak secara semula jadi
2.Merangsang dan mengaktifkan penurunan badan memalui hormon Adiponectin
3. Melambat dan mencegah penyerapan lemak dalam badan.
4.Meningkatkan peroses lipolisis atau penguraian lemak dengan peningkatan hormon Adiponectin.
5.Merangsang penghasilan tenaga dan haba dari sumber lemak yang diuraikan dalam proses lipolisis.
6. Bertindak sebagai sebagai sumber Glucose dan Fructose gantian (replacement) sebagai sumber tenaga.
7.Menghadkan pengumpulan  dan merencatkan pembentukan lemak

Apa itu adiponectin

Soalan   : Apa itu Adiponectin?
Jawapan: Adiponectin adalah hormon yang bertanggungjawab dalam metabolisma lemak (fat metabolism). Paras Adiponectin yang tinggi mempercepatkan proses penguraian lemak(lipolisis), melambatkan penyerapan lemak dari usus.

Soalan   :Bagaimana Raspberry Ketone menurukan berat badan?
Jawapan:Raspberry ketone bertindak dengan meningkatkan hormon Adiponectin yang biasanya berada pada paras rendah bagi individu obes dengan mengurai lemak (lipolisis).

Soalan   : Adakah Respberry Ketone boleh digunakan bagi individu atau
pengidap Diabetes?
Jawapan : Individu Diabetes didapati mempunyai paras Adiponectin yang rendah dalam badan.Raspberry Ketone  bertindak sebagai anti-diabetik dengan penurunan glukos dalam darah bagi individu normal. Ia juga akan menurunkan paras glukos dan meningkatkan insulin sensitiviti bagi individu diabetes.

Soalan   : Bolehkan pengidap Darah Tinggi mengambil Raspberry Ketone?
Jawapan : Pengidap Tekana Darah Tinggi boleh mengambil Raspberry Ketone malah membantu mengurangkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi dengan pengkatan hormon Norepineprine. Terdapat peningkatan denyutan jantung dengan peningkatan kadar nadi.Tindakbalas negative (negative feedback) baroreceptor menyebabkan penurunan Tekanan Darah secara semulajadi.

Soalan   : Apakah kesan Raspberry Ketone terhadap  Kandungan Kolesterol?
Jawapan :Adiponectin juga akan menurunkan paras glukos dalam darah. Paras glukos yang rendah juga akan menurunkan paras Kolesterol LDL dan Triglycerides dalam darah  secara semulajadi.Individu Diabetes juga didapati mempunyai paras Adiponectin yang rendah dalam badan.

Soalan   : Apakah kesan sampingan pengambilan Raspberry Ketone?
Jawapan: Pengambilan Raspberry Ketone akan meningkat 2 hormon semulajadi ia itu Adiponectin dan Norepineprine. Norepineprine akan meningkatkan haba dalam badan.Badan akan terasa sedikit hangat dan ini akan membantu penguraian lemak. Individu disarankan mengambil banyak air bagi mengurankan haba dan juga bagi penbuangan badan ketone (keone bodies) yang terhasil dari penuraian lemak (lipolisis). Individu juga akan mengeluarkan lebih banyak peluh dari badan.

Friday 14 September 2012

How Do Raspberry Ketones Work?

The advertised Raspberry Ketone health benefits are centered on activating weight loss pathways in a few different ways.
raspberry ketones fat loss
1. Increases body’s natural ability to oxide fat (fat oxidation) for more
    effective fat burning
2. Modulates the weight loss hormone adiponectin
3. Slows down and prevents fat uptake and absorption
4. Increases lipolysis or boosts lipid metabolism which frees fat from cells
5. Stimulates heat production or thermogenesis which burns BAT or brown
    adipose tissue
6. Acts as a natural glucose and fructose (sugars) replacement for the body’s
    energy supply.
7. Limits the accumulation of fat and suppresses fat production
    The most interesting health benefit is raspberry ketones effect on  
    adiponectin hormone and BAT.

What is Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)?

 raspberry ketones burn body fat

As we alluded to earlier, the body has, manages, and utilizes two distinct types of fat. The unique fat tissue known as Brown Adipose Tissue creates heat versus storing it.

This special characteristic has put the limelight of weight loss research on the body’s ability to stimulate metabolically active depots of BAT within the body. The correlation between Raspberry Ketones and losing weight stems from this concept. Raspberry Ketones ability to increase fat burning production in the body and melting excess calories can result in quicker weight loss.

What is Adiponectin Hormone? – The Fat Cell Hormone

Adiponectin, pronounced (edi-po-nectin), is the fat cell hormone. Most associate fat cells as calorie storehouses in the body. As technology improves and weight loss research continues, we are beginning to understand the importance and significance hormones play on our body’s natural systems towards losing weight and fat storing habits.
raspberry ketones review

Fat cells produce and secrete hormones as they are being utilized, absorbed, and assimilated. Adiponectin is found within adipose tissues and acts as the good hormone regulating and modulating weight management in the body.
As we stated previously, raspberry ketones positively effect adiponectin levels which has been shown to:
lower blood sugar (glucose),
reduce levels of triglycerides (fatty acids),
improve sensitivity to insulin
increase fat burning ability.
What’s even more impressive about adiponectin is its linkage to being a; anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-atherogenic, anti-inflammatory, and promoting anti-cancer functions and properties.
While all of the research doesn’t seem to be available or finalized, raspberry ketones already have been shown to improve secretion levels of the weight loss hormone adiponectin which have great health benefits and provide weight loss results.

Raspberry Ketones Dosage

After most look over the raspberry ketone information available, they can start to connect the dots of it having weight loss benefits and wonder what the optimal dosage is. Obviously eating highly processed and refined foods loaded with excess sweeteners and sugars should be your first priority if your serious about losing weight. No amount of raspberry ketones will ever offset poor dietary habits and choices.
raspberry ketones dose
Dr Oz recommended a serving size of raspberry ketones to be around 100mg. He then said you can bump it up to twice daily dosage of raspberry ketone supplement if you feel comfortable. My advice is to allow your body to warm up to the ketones and safely start to eliminate the breakdown of fatty acids and fat tissues.
Consuming natural red raspberries would require eating nearly ninety pounds to gain the amount of ketones effective for fat boosting and burning.
After you feel out your optimal raspberry ketone dosage level, it is best to supplement 30 minutes before a big meal to increase production of ketones and boost metabolism for better food digestion and breakdown.

Which Raspberry Ketone Supplement?

This is often the most asked question we get is “which raspberry ketone supplement is the best?”
The answer to that in our humble opinion is Raspberry Ketone Pure. They are not the cheapest raspberry ketones product but are sourced and manufactured better and contain other fat burning ingredients like African mango, acai berry, grapefruit, and kelp.
Understand that no pill, product, or potion should ever be considered a cure all for weight loss. Raspberry ketones should act as a kick start to your weight loss lifestyle and used in conjunction with appropriate exercise and diet.

Saturday 8 September 2012


As the name suggests, raspberry ketone is a compound present in red raspberries and is on the USDA's list of ingredients that are generally recognized as safe. It gives the berries their aroma, but is naturally present in very low levels. As stated on the Dr. Oz Show, it would take 90 pounds of fresh berries to get the equivalent amount of ketone that's found in the supplement form.

Raspberry ketones affect the metabolism through two mechanisms by increasing the levels of two hormones, norepinerphrine and adiponectin. Increasing the norepinephrine causes the body's temperature to rise, causing the body to burn more fat. "Raspberry ketones also increase levels of adiponectin, which is a hormone that helps with lowering glucose levels," explains Dr. Sarah G. Khan, DietsInReview.com's resident pharmacist. "The less circulating glucose, the less likely it will be converted into a stored energy source like glycogen. Adiponectin is found least frequently in obese people and may have a possible role to play in insulin resistance and diabetes."

Raspberry Ketone supplements are considered to be the latest and most revolutionary way to lose weight. In numerous studies and experiments it has been shown to hinder the growth of fat tissues while boosting metabolic rates within organisms. There were many promising results which led to the formation of the raspberry ketone supplements for weight loss purposes. Recommended by Dr. Oz, our products are made only with natural ingredients, and they have no known side effects. Many people have taken raspberry ketones, and none of them have noted experiencing any negative side effects. The compound has been noted to be "generally safe" by the FDA in 1965, and is one of the most trusted compounds used by researchers and scientists. Although the main ingredient is the product, the supplements are loaded with many other beneficial ingredients that have been known to be able to speed up weight loss and make it a much more attainable goal. Many who have taken the raspberry ketone supplements have noted a huge difference in their weight loss within two weeks.
Raspberry extract is a known natural compound that has been recognized for its metabolic nature. It is derived from raspberries, and is the compound behind the soothing aroma. It has also been known to be an effective metabolic compound that will boost one's metabolism while suppressing hunger. There have been no side effects noted for taking the raspberry ketone, and it has shown many promising signs in being able to aid in weight loss due to its metabolic nature by many previous clients. Our product is a combination of raspberry ketone and many other known leading ingredients that are also used to aid in weight loss, such as the African Mango, which is a proven fat burner and appetite suppressant, the Acai Berry, which is loaded with antioxidants that are beneficial to the immune system, Green Tea Extract, which lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and Kelp, which boosts metabolism. The combination of all of the ingredients together make up the perfect supplement that will help suppress hunger while boosting one's metabolism naturally. It allows the body to steadily and naturally readjust its own function and system without causing any negative effects. The conjunction of all of the ingredients enhances the supplement's ability to aid with weight loss and inhibit the growth of fat tissue. These key features make the supplement one of the best weight loss pills on the market, especially since it is all natural; thus, it has been recommended by many celebrities and other famous people.

 The recommended dosage is two supplements a day with a glass of water. Many have noted a visible difference within two weeks of regularly taking the supplements. Most experts and professionals have recommended doing some physical exercise in conjunction with taking the pills in order to see optimal effects. While changing one's diet is not necessary, slight changes can make a huge difference to those who are taking the supplement regularly. By changing one's dietary plan to something more nutritional and healthy, and incorporating regular physical exercise, many have claimed that our formula is one of the quickest ways to weight loss.

The raspberry ketone supplements contain the necessary dosage of the compound for consumers to view visible effects, and the product can be easily ingested. Due to its metabolic nature and its ability to hinder the growth of fat tissue, those taking the supplement are able to burn fat without making any significant changes to their diet. Slight changes are almost immediately noticeable. Our formula is able to suppress hunger while boosting one's metabolism and immune system. Unknown to many, these supplements are also high in antioxidants which are able to help strengthen the immune system, and help the body fight off infections. One of the known hormones associated with the supplements is adinopectin, and it helps in preventing Type 2 diabetes and also the formation of plaque in arterial walls. It also helps to prevent liver cancer. The many benefits can easily improve one's health.